August 27, 2007


Today I have the ability to Imbue.
Right now, it's only on the Rim. Origin doesn't allow for this action.
I have yet to try this out...
After clicking on the Imbue link, this familiar looking message is what I received:

So.. I am going to give it a try now...

And I got the old

You feel yourself lighten.

message after Imbue.

Reloading the screen got rid of that message and now I can no longer Imbue.

This all just happened at 12:42 GKST.

I just drifted back to Origin and there is also an Imbue ability now. This option didn't show up when I first arrived back to Origin. It's now 13:25 GKST.

So far, I only had the Imbue option twice. (That's 50 SE.)

Imbue by xiaomu, cumulative count: 2

August 26, 2007

Drifting: Part III

(00:04) Origin -> (01:03) Rim -> (01:33) Origin -> (02:17) Rim -> (02:45) Origin -> (03:42) Rim -> (11:29) Origin -> (12:30) Rim -> (13:17) Origin ->

Drifting: Part II

Origin -> (11:03) Rim -> (11:43) Origin -> (12:15) Rim -> (12:52) Origin -> (13:27) Rim -> (14:05) Origin -> (14:40) Rim -> (15:55) Origin -> (16:39) Rim -> (15:46) Origin -> (16:14) Rim -> (16:50) Origin -> (17:24) Rim -> (22:42) Greyness -> (23:19) Rim -> (00:08) Origin


August 25, 2007


I was obviously lost in the Rim for the past week or so. Now, I have just "drifted" into Tempolis. And the new quote is:

"You drift through expectant nothingness." Still marked as a Lost Soul.

I got drift again and went back to the Rim again.

Drifted again -- and came to Chaos: "You drift through dull nothingness."

Drifted back to the Rim and then in Chaos again. So... that's half a day with several drifting options.

And I finally landed in Greyness.. it's... um... GREY.

You feel alien memories drifting past you like snow.
You feel unchanged.


You feel alien memories drifting past you like snow.
You feel different than before.

(Really random, huh?)

Ah... finally -- drifting to Origin! A pretty sight greeted me...

You feel yourself drifting bodiless through great tides of light.

Today's drifting journey path:

(Started at 10:14 EST and 14:14 GKST)

Rim -> Tempolis -> Rim -> Chaos -> Rim -> Chaos ->
Rim -> Chaos -> Rim -> Greyness -> Rim -> Origin

(Concluded at 23:47 EST and 03:47 GKST)

August 23, 2007


So.. today I discovered that we lost souls can be "fatigued." Of course, after wandering aimlessly for so many days...

August 22, 2007

Still Lost

Lost Soul

This is a screen shot of what I encounter every time attempting to enter the GoKrida universe. A few refreshings and then the screen goes back to show me one of the static quotes and time of the day.

Unconscious Soul

August 19, 2007

Lost Forever?

So, we cannot pretend that GoKrida is a universe existing in our minds and will be in our lives forever. Today, we saw that the controllers of this universe might "terminate" this place entirely.

It is difficult, or impossible, to express how I feel now. How deeply dismayed and depressed this situation makes me. I'm entirely lost, my heart weeps for the loss of a beloved place and the host of amazing characters that I've called friends for the past 3 years.

Lost Soul

Now I'm upgraded (We're) to Lost Souls.

Two new messages:

You feel alien memories drifting past you like snow.
You feel unchanged.

Your soul wanders through an endless labyrinth of invisible pathways.
You feel lost.

That was only for a very very short time.. a blip... but a hopeful blip! See one captured image:

lost soul quote

One befitting, none-lost-soul quote of the day:

What we imagine is order is merely the prevailing form of chaos. --Kerry Thornley

August 18, 2007

You feel yourself fall apart

At 5:31 GMT/GKST, we all received this email notification:

"You feel yourself fall apart."

Should I feel hopeful over such bleak a message? At least this signifies that something is still at work.

Still unconscious

Every morning, I wake in Dream and hope. Every morning, the hope is shattered by the persistent void.

August 17, 2007


Wow. Just checked the oldest post on this sporadically updated journal... it's a year to the day. Happy Anniversary to Me!

Snapshots of Doomsday Night

Screenzors of doom
15.08.2007 at 08:03:54

These links are gathered by Evyndd and posted on the Out-of-GK Forum by Samildanach. (My added explanations appear in parentheses.) Some duplicated links are deleted. Links to this blog are also omitted.

Not sure where to put these, dunno what chronological order they were in (wasn't smart enough to copy the whole line out of the #GoKrida chatlogs, just grabbed the address)

(Unknown planet, 29.07.2007)

(Some images of heaven) (before the vile storms?)

(YM, when Shzuru attacked the Hamlet by accident...)
(YM, after Shzie's death...)

(Yellow Sea? Moments before the void, duplicating hexes.)

(One Forum left)

(Zirconium's snapshot of YS? before its demise.. note the new shapes of the arrows on the top right!)
?action=view&current= lastview.png

(More shots of duplicating hexes -- this one was on Rainbow Portal.)

(Bleak looking Elemental Plaza/Gates)

(Rainbow Youth-RY: Under Illusion)

(Quakers on YM -- the quick session of dropping hexes)

Friday Quotes

No sconce or fortress of his raising was ever known either to have been forced, or yielded up, or quitted. --John Milton

I like best of all autumn, the mellowness and kindly wisdom of approaching age. --Lin Yutang

Magic transfers celestial forces to the medium in which such forces can operate. --Theophrastus Paracelsus

Come with soft rounded cheeks and eyes as bright as sunlight on a stream. --Christina Rossetti

Come with soft rounded cheeks and eyes as bright as sunlight on a stream. --Christina Rossetti

We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality. --Seneca

I like trees because they seem more resigned to the way they have to live than other things do. --Willa Cather

Finches fill them till they glow from their darker edges. --Annie Finch

August 16, 2007


So. I donated. Yes. It's for experiment! I donated $5.00... and, my gmail account attached to xiaomu's soul received the system message:

Do not reply to this email! Reply at this link: (blotted out account info.)

You feel a surge of energy.

So. Even though my soul is unconscious, my telepathic faculty seems to be functioning well and the universe is not unconscious, in contrast to my soul's state.

Thursday Quotes

But, of course, these are just regular quotes already collected by one of the GoKridans quite a while ago, here:

Nothing is ever accomplished by a reasonable man.
--George Bernard Shaw

The fiery Sky, eclipsed by Earth's heaving mountains...

You make it weaver of the etherial light,
Space, motion, solids & the dream of Time --
Why, still 'tis Being looking from the dark. --George Eliot

Talk about things of tomorrow and the mice inside the ceiling laugh. --Japanese Proverb

No sconce or fortress of his raising was ever known either to have been forced, or yielded up, or quitted. --John Milton

Come not between the dragon and his wrath. --Shakespeare

The algae and the branches in shadow shadowed her, and the nightingale sang for the white girl. --Federico GarcĂ­a Lorca

August 15, 2007

The Exact Time of RP's Demise

I checked my Dream Email account and here's the message I received denoting the exact time of the collapse of RP. Until then, a host of recent Heavenly Travelers (including Aeneas, Lax, Grandmother, Drazisil, Tol-wernan, and Suzetta) kept materializing through the elemental gates. Both my zombies Farseer and an originality passed away right before this message:

At 1:35 AM, GKST (GMT), August, 14, 2007:

The world around you collapses into nothingness...

After the Storm

I attempted to enter Chaos this morning and was greeted with nothingness... total void... black all around. And I am now an "unconscious soul." I await my re-awakening.

The Time Governor must still be working.. and another static quote informs me:

...the immeasurable meaning of his black eyes. --Walt Whitman

The envious waves forbid the trace to stay. --Anna Seward

A wandering madman was seeking the touchstone, with matted locks, tawny and dust-laden, and body worn to a shadow, his lips tight-pressed. --Rabindranath Tagore

To err is human, but is feels divine. --Mae West

Where there is sorrow, there is holy ground. --Oscar Wilde

Even on the most exalted throne in the world we are only sitting on our own bottom. --Michel de Montaigne

Waiting, lonely and sightless, mere paper limning their souls from that colorless aching desert of nescience.
(This one is interesting in that it doesn't have an attributed author.)

Waiting, lonely and sightless, mere paper limning their souls from that colorless aching desert of nescience.
(It's a minute passed the hour... and this quote remains...)

As I came through the desert: All was black, in heaven no single star. --James Thomson

Waiting, lonely and sightless, mere paper limning their souls from that colorless aching desert of nescience.

When the water rises, hurry to get some. --Thai Proverb

Even on the most exalted throne in the world we are only sitting on our own bottom. --Michel de Montaigne

The birds, in the endless waterfalls of the trees, shook open the snowy pleats of their wings, and drifted away. --Mary Oliver

Where there is sorrow, there is holy ground. --Oscar Wilde

(a change in pacing...)

August 14, 2007

Illusioned Forum

So... just want to capture some of the beauty of Chaos before it ALL went...
The weird thing is that neither Inquisword nor Nightstaker died but their forums are either abandoned or disappeared.

Dragyn's Manaic Post

(Dragyn, 2 hours ago) »
See Ya On Rainbow Sea!

I'm going to Rainbow Sea because the Symogeddon is Nigh and I'm bringing Alchemical Instruments, a Biscuit, and a Cake...

(Dragyn, 2 hours ago) »
...Dworkin, Elwing, and figgywiggy...

(Dragyn, 2 hours ago) »
...Green Goblin Moss...

(Dragyn, 2 hours ago) »
...Heer's Diary and Inquisword's forum...

(Dragyn, 2 hours ago) »
...jakax, Khur, and Lizbeth...

(Dragyn, 2 hours ago) »
...Murtagh's incessant AIMs and nBoN (who's really La-newa)...

(Dragyn, 2 hours ago) »

(Dragyn, 2 hours ago) »
...the big P in SProo...

(Dragyn, 2 hours ago) »
...Quakers, Redhill, and Skajunma...

(Dragyn, 2 hours ago) »
...Thinking (by Zefiel), Understanding (by Silverius), and Verifying (by Silverius too...hmmm O_o)...

(Dragyn, 2 hours ago) »
...a World-Destroyer-Damigod and his Xylophone (duhh)...

(Dragyn, 2 hours ago) »
...Years worth of GoKridian culture...

(Dragyn, 2 hours ago) »
...and ZEFIEL!

(Inquisword, 2 hours ago) »
Fruit! You forgot to mention Fruit!

(Dragyn, 2 hours ago) »
If there's any F-foods on RS it'll be flatbread, abundant FLATBREAD on every square! No soul will go hungry again! add comment

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